Code Enforcement

An electronic copy of the Town's codes and ordinances is available to the public by using the link below.  This document was adopted at 2008 Town Meeting and is updated regularly as new ordinances are adopted by the Town. 

Code of the Town of Madison, Maine  

If you have questions about Madison's ordinance book, contact the Town Office at 696 3971.

Code Enforcement Officer/Planning Board

Madison's Code Enforcement Officer works closely with the Planning Board on matters related to land use, building permits, shoreland zoning and commercial ordinances.  The Code Enforcement Officer is available to meet with residents on an appointment basis.  Please call the Town Office at 696 3971 for more details. 

New updates to the Maine Uniform Building & Energy Code (MUBEC) apply to Maine towns that have a population of 4,000 or more.  This causes some confusion regarding what kind of project requires a building permit.  The State regularly updates the MUBEC statute so please contact Code Enforcement before starting a project. 

Town of Madison Building Code Permit Application 

State Plumbing Permit Application (for local use)

Town of Madison Fee Schedule 

Below are direct links to current code requirements:

International Residential Code 

International Building Code 

Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules

Tree Cutting Requirements 

Uniform Plumbing Code 

Madison Code requires application for subdivision, work in the shoreland zone and for commercial site review.  Applications can be picked up at the Town Office or printed out from the links below. 

Shoreland Zoning Permit Application

Site Review Application

Subdivision Application

 New Septic Permit Search Database: Click Here


Board of Appeals

Chapter 7 of the Madison Code of Ordinances establishes an Appeals Board as part of the due process for residents and businesses. 

Rulings and decisions made by various boards such as Planning, Assessors and Selectmen, and individuals such as the Town Manager and Code Enforcement can be contested through an appeals process.  Click here to download an appeals form.  

The current Appeals Board members are:

Brian Hale (2027)

Andrew Ketterer (2027)

Christine Stratton (2025)

Cheryl West (2026)

Shawn Young (2026)



Planning Board


This Board shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as are provided by municipal ordinance and state statutes including, but not limited to, the comprehensive plan, land subdivisions, shoreland zoning, and the site review ordinance.  This is a 5 member board plus 2 associate members who are appointed by the Board of Selectmen and serve 3-year terms.

The Madison Planning Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month.  Currently the meetings are held remotely via Zoom.   To have an item placed on the agenda please contact the Code Enforcement Officer at 696 3971. 

Copies of meeting minutes are available upon request at the Town Office.  For more information call 696 3971. 


Planning Board Members:

Marry Tomlinson, Chair (2026)

Mark Doty, Vice Chair (2026)

Robin Turek (2027)

Elwyn “Jay” Watt Jr. (2027)

Don Skillings (2026)


Associate Members: 

Craig Christopher (2025)

Richard Cormier


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